God’s grace can cover over any of our failings. He is willing to forgive us and restore us.

Talking Points:

  • God knows what we are like and still desires to have us in his family and he offers us the grace and forgiveness that we need. Psalm 103:8, Jeremiah 3:12-15
  • We need to acknowledge our guilt and confess our sin but we also must remember that He is our master. We must submit to His lordship in our lives. 1 John 1:5-10
  • We can be nourished by his Word, encouraged by his people and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live freely for him. Jeremiah 31:33-34
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Read Jeremiah 3:12-15 List the words in this passage that describe the character of God. Then list the descriptions of people.
  3. What does God say he will do for people in this same passage?
  4. What kind of emotions do you experience when you think that God wants you to “come home” to Him.
  5. Read I John 1:5-10 Do you find it difficult to admit when you have sinned? What does this section of scripture teach us?
  6. How do you respond when confronted with your own weaknesses and sin? What keeps you from returning to the Lord?
  7. Read II Corinthians 5:14-21 and answer the questions 6-8.
  8. How should our lives be different because we have experienced the love of God?
  9. What comfort do you see in verse 17? How do you think this can be seen in your daily life?
  10. What do you think it means to be an ambassador for Christ?
  11. Comment on the RC Sproul quote “The more we understand how kind God has been to us and the more we are overcome by His mercy, the more we are inclined to love Him and to serve Him”. Have you seen this to be true in your life?
  12. Do you find yourself spending as much time in prayer asking God for things as you do thanking him for his grace and forgiveness? Are there changes that you feel need to be made in this area of your life? Explain.
  13. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

This is lesson 6 of 6 in the Cleanse women’s series.

Want More? (for further study on this topic)

Watch the videos and read the passages. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and why his grace means so much to us.

Day 1

Watch – “What Is Grace?”

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

  1. How is God described in this verse?
  2. What does this verse say that God can do in your life and what would it look like in your life?
  3. Who is doing the work, you or God?
  4. If God is doing the work, what is your role?
  5. Spend some time meditating on this passage and thinking of how this can be applied to you.

Day 2

Watch – “Grace for Believers”

Read Hebrews 4:14-16:

  1. What things can you learn about God from this passage?
  2. How can the knowledge that Jesus experienced every temptation help you as you deal with temptation today?
  3. Why can we approach God with confidence?

Read Psalm 95:1-7. Spend some time in worship to the Lord.

Day 3: Do the cleanse

Journal – Write down some instances where you have seen God’s grace at work in your life.

  1. Fix your eyes on Jesus. We need to reflect on the grace that God has for us as his children. We need to start by trusting God and remembering it is by his grace that we are saved. (Romans 3:24, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8)
  2. Go to the Bible. Find verses that speak of the grace of God. Choose some key verses and memorize them.(Psalm 103:12, Titus 2:11)
  3. Commit to prayer before action. Start the journey by thanking God for the incredible grace and mercy he gives to you each day. Ask him to show you the areas of your life where you still need to come home to him. (Psalm 139:23-24,  Psalm 17:6)
  4. Seek wisdom and accountability. Talk to trusted people in your life to find encouragement to focus on grace.  (Hebrews 10:25 Romans 12:9-13)
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