Watch the video above and talk about it with a group or mentor. Learn more.

God teaches you how to be thankful for your body, and stop worrying about your appearance.

Key Points:

  • Viewing yourself negatively gives other people permission to do the same.
  • Be thankful for what you have. By focusing on the attributes that we are thankful for and not on what we wish we could change, we can gain a greater perspective and see ourselves the way that God sees us.
  • Focus on the traits that God wants you to possess. God created each of us with unique attributes so we should celebrate those things rather than complain about them.  

Quote This:

1 Peter 3:3-4 Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Can you remember the first time that you criticized something about your body? How frequently do you tear down your own outer appearance?
  3. How does looking at different celebrities affect the way you feel about yourself?
  4. Read 1 Peter 3:3-4.  Why do you think God says this?
  5. List 3 amazing things that your body can do that you have been taking for granted.
  6. Read Proverbs 31:30. How does this give you perspective on what is most important?
  7. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.



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