Idols aren’t just objects of wood and stone from ancient civilizations - they’re anything you elevate to the highest place in your life.

Idols aren’t just objects of wood and stone from ancient civilizations – they’re anything you elevate to the highest place in your life. Idols are alive and well today, and you’ve probably got some in your life. But be careful – idolizing even good things can bring unexpected destruction into our lives and relationships. Here are 4 modern-day idols that you might have built a shrine for:

Modern-Day Idols:

  • Money. If your idol is money then you have to keep making more and more. And if people get hurt in the process that is the price of doing business, even if it’s your family.
  • Success. If your idol is success then you have to keep achieving, winning, and climbing the ladder. And when you fail (and you will), your world crumbles because failure isn’t an option. That means you can’t be human.
  • Marriage. If your idol is marriage then you believe your partner has to be everything to you. Then, when you discover they are not, you think you must have picked the wrong person and you need another one.
  • Approval. If your idol is approval then you believe the distortion that you can’t feel okay about yourself unless others approve of you. That means you are always a slave to other people’s opinion of you.

There are plenty of other good things that can become idols in your life, taking the ultimate place. Can you think of any? Take some time to think about what should be on the throne of your life, and don’t let anything else take that place.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
  2. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you?
  3. In your own words, what is an idol?
  4. Do you think it’s easier for rich person or a poor person to idolize money? Explain.
  5. Do you think it’s easier for men or women to idolize success? Give an example.
  6. How is idolizing your spouse different than loving him or her?
  7. What character trait causes people to idolize approval? Give an example.
  8. Of the four modern-day idols above, which is most tempting for you to idolize? Which is least tempting?
  9. Name another “idol” in your life. When did you start idolizing that thing? Why did you do it?
  10. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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