Watch the video above and talk about it with a group or mentor. Learn more.

Ian and Larissa met at college in 2005. After dating for nearly a year, Ian suffered a traumatic brain injury that removed much of his speaking and moving abilities.

Key Points:

  • Ian and Larissa met at college in 2005. After dating for nearly a year, Ian suffered a traumatic brain injury that removed much of his speaking and moving abilities.
  • They keep a “board of gratefulness” in their home. This helps them practice gratitude in the face of incredible trials.
  • John Piper’s book “This Momentary Marriage” helped Ian and Larissa during their premarital counseling. The book highlights primary versus secondary things. Secondary things are things like chores around the house. Primary things are spiritual things, and though Ian has been injured, he can still lead Larissa in these primary things.

Quote This:

Colossians 3:14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” What does this mean? What does or should it look like in your life?
  3. If you had a “wall of gratitude” in your home, what would be on it? Would it be a good idea to actually make one in your home?
  4. Was Ian any more or less worthy of love after his accident than he was before it? Explain.
  5. Did Ian also have to choose to love Larissa despite his accident? What sorts of choices did Ian have to make to move forward in his relationship with Larissa?
  6. What choices did Larissa have to make to move forward in her relationship with Ian? How was Larissa able to make these choices?
  7. How is Larissa a picture of Christ’s love for Ian? How is Ian a picture of Christ’s love for Larissa?
  8. In what ways is God is using Ian and Larissa to reach the world and the church?
  9. Where does our value as human beings come from? Why?
  10. One day you may need to care for a disabled loved one. What lessons will you remember from Ian and Larissa if you find yourself in that situation?
  11. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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