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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ten best leadership theories?

Key Points:

  • The great man theory. This theory postulated that great leaders are born and not made. You either have great leadership or you don’t. One weakness of this theory is that we now understand that a great deal of leadership can be learned.
  • The trait theory. This theory states that their are certain characteristics or traits that help us lead effectively. A shortcoming of this theory is that there are so many leadership traits that work, it is hard to narrow down a single set of traits.
  • The skills theory. This theory looks for certain skill sets within a leader that make the leader successful. These skills involve technical skills, people skills, and conceptual skills.
  • The style theory. This theory focuses on the different styles of leadership. For example, some lead with an autocratic and demanding style and others a democratic style that invites participation.
  • The situational leadership theory. This theory argues that there is no one-size-fits-all model of leadership. A good leader would adapt their style, skills, and traits based on the current situation they are leading in. Effective leaders learn to adapt.
  • The contingency theory. This theory understands that though a leader can and needs to adapt to the situation, the leader still defaults to his or her own style, personality, and approach. The trick is to fit the right leader to the right situation.
  • The transactional theory. This theory says that people will follow leadership if there is a fair and equitable transaction that takes place – if the incentives match what is required of them. So, the leader’s job is to find the right mix of rewards and punishments.
  • The transformational theory. This theory states that leaders gain buy-in and commitment by encouraging, inspiring, and caring for their followers towards a vision. Leaders get results by transforming the environment and relationships.
  • The leader-member exchange theory. This theory says that effective leadership occurs when there is a fair exchange between the leader and those being lead. Both sides benefit from the exchange that takes place.
  • The servant-leader theory. The leader is the servant of those he or she leads. The leader is focused on serving rather than being served.  The servant leader creates an environment of trust and cooperation, which results in reciprocal service and ultimately higher performance. Much of Jesus’s approach to leadership used this model.

Quote This:

Luke 22:25-26 Jesus told them, “In this world the kings and great men lord it over their people, yet they are called ‘friends of the people.’ But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant.

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What leadership theory approach best describes you right now and why?
  3. Explain what leadership theory was the most interesting to you and why.
  4. What is a strength of your leadership from what you learned from these theories?
  5. From watching the video, what is something you could improve on as a leader?
  6. Read Luke 22:25-26. How do these verses reflect the servant-leadership style?
  7. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
This topic is adapted from the Christianity 9 to 5 YouTube channel.
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