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Sometimes it feels like God gives us too many commandments, but the truth is there is a good reason behind them.

It can sometimes feel like God gives us instructions on everything. Any topic in our lives,  and it seems we can open up our Bibles and find a commandment about it or a teaching from God about what we should do. With all of these lessons and instructions so prevalent, we can even feel like God is a bit bossy, always telling us what to and what not to do. But by thinking like that we forget that there is a good reason behind God’s instructions.

Warning Labels

While it may seem that many of God’s commandments and rules are there only to take away our freedoms, they are actually there for our greater good and for our protection. Think about the warning labels on most household products. Those labels aren’t there just because they look nice or because the manufacturer liked them, but they are there for safety and also for two quality reasons: to preserve the product so it can last, and so the consumer can experience the product at its very best.

God’s instructions are the same way for our lives. He wants us to preserve life and experience it to its fullest. He created us, so he knows the product better than anyone. Of course he is the one who is going to have the best advice for life!

Experience Life in a Healthy Way

Instead of looking at all of those rules and instructions that fill the Bible as things that you must do and restrictions that are put on your life, look at them as the best advice you’ll ever get from the one who knows not only life as a whole, but you personally, better than anyone. Those instructions are there to keep you safe and allow you to live a wonderful and fulfilling life. Follow those instructions with joy in your heart and see where they will take you.

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all of the instructions in the Bible? Were there certain ones that you felt more strongly about? Explain.
  3. Are there any commandments or instructions in the Bible that are troubling to you or that you struggle with? How have you dealt with them?
  4. How are some of the laws in the Bible meant to protect us or give us a fulfilling life?
  5. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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