Talking Points:
  • To Mormons, immortality means resurrection to some level of heaven. This applies to all people regardless of what they believe or how they live. By contrast, the Bible envisions one salvation. Matthew 7:13-14.
  • Mormons value God’s grace… But they believe people are saved – in the highest sense of the word – by God’s grace plus their own good works. Grace gives Mormons the opportunity to add the needed good works to obtain forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God. The Bible teaches that we are saved by grace alone. Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9
  • Mormons believe that a person can receive salvation after they have died. Mormons perform these acts by proxy for people who have died, in hopes that those people will convert to Mormonism in the spirit world. The Bible teaches that this life is the appointed time to get right with God. Our eternal destiny is fixed at death. Hebrews 9:27
  1. Have you ever been rescued from some difficult life situation (great or small)? What happened?
  2. Which aspects of Mormon salvation are dependent on a rescuer (Savior) and which are not? Explain.
  3. What are some ways you have noticed that Mormons use familiar words but with different meanings?
  4. Read Romans 6:23 and Ephesians 2:8-10. What role does faith play in salvation? What role do good works play?
  5. Why do you think people have trouble accepting salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone?
  6. What elements of the Mormon view of salvation do you think people might find the most appealing? Why?
  7. Read Hebrews 9:27. What does the Bible say about our opportunity to respond to Jesus?

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