If you're going to make disciples, you'd better get the product straight! Full circle followers of Jesus are marked by three things.

Key Points:

  • We start by trusting Jesus. This requires a work of God – it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict people of their need for him. Acts 2:36-37, John 16:8
  • We live to honor God. This requires a heart of submission – elevating God’s truth above your own opinions or feelings. John 6:60-67
  • We mature by helping others. This calls for boldness – a willingness to step out of your comfort zone and engage with someone far from God. Matthew 10:31-32, Acts 1:8, Acts 4:29-31
Talk About It
  1. What’s your initial reaction to this topic?
  2. How do you think most churches would describe a disciple?
  3. Make a list of words or concepts associated with “trusting Jesus”. Do the same for “honoring God”.
  4. Consider the marks of a disciple. What percentage of people at your church could be found in each category (include those who haven’t yet trusted Jesus)?
  5. Read Ephesians 4:13-14. What does this say about the relationship between disciple-making and maturity?
  6. Read Matthew 28:19-20. Find the three marks of a disciple in this passage.
  7. Consider the marks of a disciple. Write the name of someone under each category.
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