What’s the most important relationship in the home? The answer might surprise you.

There are many relationships that are present in a household, but it is important to recognize the importance of one specific relationship. In the English language video for this topic, Bryan and Tracy sit down with Cory and Rhonda to discuss what this relationship is like and how we can model it after Christ’s relationship with his church.

Different Relationships in the Home

There is the potential for a variety of relationships in a home, and many people have different answers for what the most important relationship is. Some may say it’s the relationship between parents and children, others might say each person’s relationship with themselves is the most important. But Biblically, we find that the most important relationship in the home is the relationship between spouses.

Setting the Tone

While it may seem that parents have to put their relationships with their children first, the way husbands and wives treat and interact with each other is what can set the tone of the household. Children absorb the relationships modeled by their parents and it becomes a part of who they are. A healthy relationship between parents creates an environment of safety that children are drawn to. While directly parenting children is important for preparing children to go out into the world, the relationship of their parents will shape their lives and future relationships. It is the first relationship they will be exposed to and the one they will see modeled the most often.

Christ and the Church

The perfect example of this relationship, and that is the relationship between Christ and his church. Ephesians 5 explains that the relationship between a husband and wife should be modeled after Christ, who loved the church. In his advice for a healthy household, the first thing mentioned by Paul is the dynamic between husband and wife, and it is built upon love.

With this example of Christ and the church, we can better understand how to submit to and respect our spouses, all completely out of love as the driving factor. Christ laid down his life for his church and that amount of love, dedication, and self-sacrifice are the foundation for Paul’s advice for husbands to love their wives. This helps us better understand the example of wives submitting to husbands because the church is to submit to Christ out of the love he has shown to them. The concept of husbands as the head of the household does not mean iron-fisted ruling, but spiritual leadership modeled after the way Christ served and sacrificed everything for the church.

This relationship between spouses is the foundation for all other relationships within the home. So parents, if you are wondering how to better raise your children, give them an example of a loving and respectful relationship. It will provide them a secure, safe space to grow, and an example of how to live out God’s love.

Discussion Questions
  1. What stood out to you in this topic? Why?
  2. What was your parents’ relationship like growing up? How did it “set the tone” for your family? Share positive as well as negative examples.
  3. Why can it be so tempting to put the kids ahead of the marriage?
  4. What are some of the most difficult and some of the easiest parts of putting your relationship with your spouse before any other household relationships?
  5. Read Ephesians 5:21-33. What does this passage say about how Christ loves us? How can you love your spouse more sacrificially?
  6. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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