The apostle Thomas appears several times in the Gospel of John, and each time we learn something about what an imperfect journey toward faith looks like.

Talking Points:

  • Like many of us, Thomas started with zeal. He was willing to die for his faith. John 11:16
  • Somewhere along the way Thomas got confused. Though he had been walking with Jesus, he didn’t fully get who he was. John 14:5-7
  • After the death of Jesus, Thomas became a skeptic. He needed proof of life, not just a second-hand testimony. John 20:25
  • When Thomas encountered the resurrected Christ, he reaffirmed his faith. The interaction proves that Jesus is not afraid of our doubts. John 20:26
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share some of your questions or doubts you’ve had about faith, the Bible and Jesus. How have you gone about finding answers to those questions in the past?
  3. “Doubt is not the opposite of faith.” Why is there room for doubt regarding matters of faith?
  4. Read John 11:16. Share your journey of faith. How is it similar to Thomas and how is it different?
  5. Read John 14:3-5. Share a time you were confused about what God was doing/not doing in a difficult situation. How did your confusion affect your walk with God?
  6. Read John 14:6-7. How did Jesus answer Thomas’ question? Why do you think he went beyond the question to more foundational information?
  7. Read John 20:25-29. How did Jesus respond to Thomas’ doubts? How has Jesus proved himself to you, reaffirming your faith?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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