Sermonlink Series

Joy That Works
Joy is an attitude, not just a hallmarky sentiment. And it can only be found in a relationship with Christ.
About PursueGOD

Topic #1

If you want joy in your life, you’ve got to go to the source: God himself.

Key Points:

  • God is with you (John 15:11).
  • God is mighty to save you (Zephaniah 3:17).
  • God will take delight in you.
  • God will quiet you with his love.
  • God will rejoice over you with singing.

See Also: Joy

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a time in your life when you experienced a lot of joy.
  3. What have you looked for to find joy in your life? Why?
  4. Read John 15:11. Why do you think God wants his children to have so much joy?
  5. A lot of people have some negative view of God, for example, that he is distant or is ready to punish and judge. Share any negative views you’ve had in the past.
  6. Read Nehemiah 12:43. What led the people to experience so much joy?
  7. What do you think about the statement by an early church historian: “They went into church battered and broken, but left strong and full of joy”?
  8. Read Zephaniah 3:17. What jumps out at you from this verse?
  9. If the more we are connected to God the more joy we will receive, in what areas do you need to spend more time with God?
  10. How do you feel about the fact that you make God happy?
  11. Share a time when God quieted you with his love when you were struggling.
  12. What do you think God is trying to communicate when he says that he rejoices over you with his singing?
  13. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

Topic #2

How do you experience joy in any situation? The short answer is you have to choose it – and God gives you great reasons to do so.

We can choose joy because…

  • God provides what we need. (Isaiah 61:7.)
  • God works through us for others. (Proverbs 15:23.)
  • God is at work even in adversity. (James 1:2.)

See Also: Joy

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. How do you define joy? Share a time when you felt joyful.
  3. Read Philippians 4:4. What do we learn about joy from this verse?
  4. Read Philippians 4:12. When have you been in the same kind of situations Paul was in? Did you doubt God’s provision? Explain.
  5. Read Philippians 4:18-19. What did Paul believe about God? How have you learned that lesson yourself?
  6. Read Proverbs 15:23. How did you feel when God used your words to benefit someone else? Give an example.
  7. Read James 1:2-4. Does endurance always grow out of troubles? Why or why not?
  8. In James 1:4, what do you think “perfect and complete” means? How does hardship help that grow in our lives?
  9. Read Jeremiah 31:13. Does God always turn mourning into joy? Explain.
  10. Describe a time when God turned things around for you in this life.
  11. What is a situation in your life that can only be set right in heaven?
  12. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

Topic #3

God wants for us to experience his life-changing joy. The more time we spend with God and the closer we are to him, the stronger we will be.

Key Points:

  • Make time to experience God’s joy. (Matthew 6:33.)
  • Remain in God’s presence at all times. (Psalm 68:3.)
  • With God’s presence comes His power. (Nehemiah 8:10.)

See Also: Joy

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some of the things that bring you the most joy in this life? Why?
  3. Have the things that have brought you this joy ever let you down? Explain.
  4. How would you describe your relationship with the Lord? Is it consistent? Explain.
  5. Read Matthew 6:33. What does Jesus mean by seeking the Kingdom of Heaven above all else? Is this difficult to do? Explain.
  6. What does remaining in God’s presence at all times mean to you? What are some of the ways that you achieve this?
  7. Read John 15:1-5. Jesus uses the analogy of a vine with branches. What do you think he means when he says that “apart from me, you can do nothing”? Discuss.
  8. What does it mean in Nehemiah 8:10 that the “joy of the LORD is your strength”? Have you experienced such strength? Explain.
  9. What about the opposite, have you ever felt weak because you didn’t have joy? Explain.
  10. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

Topic #4

Life is filled with junk that threatens to steal our joy. The only antidote to this is a joyful heart.

Key Points

  • Complaining replaces joy with a judgmental attitude. (James 5:9; Jude 1:16.)
  • Envy replaces joy with disdain for others. (James 3:14-16.)
  • Selfishness replaces joy with self-obsession. (Acts 20:35.)

See Also: Complaining

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. If we were to ask your family and friends, would they describe you as a joyful person? If not, what prevents you from being joyful?
  3. This topic listed three toxins that prevent joy. List other toxins in life that rob a person of joy. Do you see any of these in your life?
  4. Read Proverbs 17:22. What are the signs of a crushed spirit? Describe a time when you’ve experienced that in your life.
  5. What does it look like to have a “joyful heart”? How is this joy connected to a relationship with God?
  6. Read James 5:9. What does this passage teach us about God’s attitude toward a complaining person? How do you know if you’re committing the sin of complaining?
  7. Read James 3:14-16. What is envy? What are some signs of envy in a person’s life? How does envy harm relationships?
  8. Describe selfish ambition. How does selfish ambition get in the way of following God?
  9. What can you do to help ensure that you have a joyful heart each day?
  10. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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