How undignified are you willing to look for your faith?  David, the ancient King of Israel, was not concerned about his image. He abandoned himself to bring glory to God.

The Example of David

The ark of the covenant had been in the hands of the enemy and had finally been recovered and returned to Jerusalem. This ark is where God’s presence dwelt. David, out of the pure joy of having it returned and in honor of God, stripped down and danced before God and all the people. He was willing to become undignified to honor God. He knew God was worthy of all honor.

[Related: What Is the Ark of the Covenant?]

What David Said by His Actions

David’s action showed that he was acknowledging God as the true conquering King. In ancient times, a conquered King may be required to humiliate himself before the conquering King. David was humbling himself and acknowledging that God deserved all the honor. He was saying, “I’m all in.” He was the King of Israel, yet he humbled himself before God, the true King.  He was willing to look undignified to bring honor to God.

The Value of Being Undignified

This isn’t about wearing another t-shirt or putting a bumper sticker on your car. If you are a pursuer of God, are there things in your life that you are unwilling to do because of the way it may make you look? Are you more concerned about your own image or are you focused on God looking good? The King of Israel was willing to humble himself before all the people to bring glory to God. Shouldn’t we be willing to do the same?

Discussion Questions:

  1. Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
  2. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you?
  3. Browse 2 Samuel 6. What would you have thought of King David if you were there that day?
  4. What is something you hesitate to do around others because of how it would make you look?
  5. This topic is not about wearing more Christian t-shirts. So what is it about? 
  6. How could your being “undignified” be honoring to God? How could it be dishonoring?
  7. Does your life proclaim that you are “all in”?
  8. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

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