We need the right information to be truly saved. But which information, exactly?

Talking Points:

  • The Bible makes it clear that we don’t have to be theologians in order to respond to God’s free offer of salvation. In Peter’s first sermon, just after the ascension of Jesus, he focused his simple message on two basic facts: Who Jesus is and what he did. Acts 2:32,36
  • Paul refers to the same basics from Peter’s first sermon: what Jesus did (rose from the dead) and who Jesus is (Lord). He gives no other qualifiers for saving faith – aside from making a clear, personal response to this information. Romans 10:9-10
  • That is the attitude of salvation, an attitude that says, “I want to go your way now, God.” Acts 2:37
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Read Acts 2. What were some of the main points of Peter’s sermon? How many people came to faith that day? Do you think you know more or less about the Bible than what they knew?
  3. What are some of the questions you have about the Bible or Christianity? Are they “core” issues or “fringe” issues?
  4. If you haven’t yet trusted Jesus for your salvation, what is holding you back? Is it a problem of information (struggling to believe the facts about Jesus) or of attitude (struggling to come to God on his terms)? Explain.
  5. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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