You believe in the importance of helping others pursue God, but you're not sure who to approach. Here's some guidance about finding people to mentor.

If you want to find people to mentor, follow these suggestions:

  • Pray. Spend time consistently asking God to open doors and bring people across your path.
  • Get trained. Prepare yourself by taking Mentor Training and by mastering the other mentoring conversations in the library.
  • Evaluate your relationship circles. Think about all the people you know, whether at church, at work, in your neighborhood, or in your recreational circles. (HINT: They don’t have to already be Christians.)
  • Get in a small group. Relationships in a small group provide a great opportunity to mentor others, as you make friends and develop trust.
  • Make yourself available. Let your pastor know that you are willing to mentor others, so he can hand some of them off to you as he becomes aware of a need.
  • Be on the lookout. As you meet new people, always be aware of possible mentoring relationships that might emerge.
  • Be patient. You have prepared yourself. Now trust God to make the connections as he brings people into your life.
  • Take the initiative. When an opportunity does arise, go for it! You’ve been preparing for this, so don’t get paralyzed or stay on the sidelines.
  1. Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
  2. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you?
  3. Which of the guidelines in the video is most helpful to you, and why?
  4. Which do you find most challenging, and why?
  5. Why is a small group an ideal place to form mentoring relationships?
  6. Do you feel like you could mentor someone older than you? Why or why not?
  7. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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