No matter how bad things get, God's justice will always prevail.

Talking Points:

  • In the original language of Hebrew, this poem contains 5 stanzas that each begin with the phrase “Woe to you.” As the poem rhymes along, each verse describes a sin of the Babylonians and how God will deal with that sin. The different stanzas can be summarized into two main categories of sin.
  • Sin #1-Looking out for number 1. God despises it when people selfishly look out for their own interests. His anger burns toward those who, driven by materialism, greed, and pride, take advantage of others for their own selfish gain. Habakkuk 2:6-13
  • Sin #2-Living by your own rules. God also despises it when people decide that their desires and values are better than his and cast aside his revealed truth for their own man-made morality. Habakkuk 2:15-19
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share an example where a wrong was done against you and the wrongdoer seemed to get away with it.
  3. Why do you think injustice and unfairness seem to bother us so much as humans?
  4. Read Habakkuk 2:6-13. What are some examples in our world today where people are guilty of the sin of “looking out for #1?”
  5. What is the opposite of “looking out for #1” and what would this look like in everyday life?
  6. Read Habakkuk 2:15-19. What are some examples in our world today of where people “live by their own rules?”
  7. Read Romans 6:12-14. Why is it so hard for us to submit to God’s authority and moral standards?
  8. What is comforting about the fact that God’s justice will ultimately prevail over sin? What is scary about it?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

Full Sermon: Watch the full sermon for this topic.

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