Sadie Robertson gets real with every girl out there who has ever felt like nothing more than a number to the next guy.

Video Highlights:

  • Girls, you are priceless. You are worth more than the number that the guys have rated you. You are worth more than all of that, and you are beautiful.
  • Don’t stop waiting for prince charming. Girls have this fairytale guy in mind when they’re young, but the reality of life tends to strip it away. And we settle for something less.
  • You can believe in love if you believe in God. The Prince of Peace – Jesus – died on a cross to show how much he loves you. And he created a man to love you the same way. So respect yourself enough to wait for that.
  • Don’t chase after the guy who is looking for you to be the “hot girl”. You are worth more than that. And Jesus died to prove it.


[Related: Where Do You Find Your Identity?]

Discussion Questions:

  1. Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
  2. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you?
  3. Have you ever been “rated” by a guy? How did he do it? How did it make you feel?
  4. Why do you think so many girls in our culture lack self-esteem? What do they do as a result?
  5. Have you ever chased after a guy or done something you’re not proud of just to be noticed or loved? Explain.
  6. Do you believe there’s a guy out there that loves God and wants to really love you? Do you know any guys right now with that kind of character?
  7. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.


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