Jesus offers three simple steps for overcoming fear of the unknown.

Talking Points:

  • We’re focused on the wrong things when we stress about the future. What we’re afraid of isn’t reality yet, but our obsession with it makes it seem real in our minds – so we act on it through anxiety. In essence, “future stress” is a vision problem. Matthew 6:25-27
  • 3 Steps for dealing with stress according to Jesus:
    • Seek God first. “Seek the kingdom of God above all else…” Focus on the right things, and try to care about what God cares about.
    • Live righteously now. “… and live righteously…” Don’t let your fixation on what’s coming tomorrow excuse you from honoring God today.
    • Receive what God gives you. “…and he will give you everything you need.” Trust that the future is in God’s hands, whatever comes.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Make a list of your top worries about the future. Are there are any common themes to these worries?
  3. Read Matthew 6:25-27. According to Jesus, why is worrying about the future a waste our time?
  4. What is the root cause of our stress about the future?
  5. How does worrying about the future prevent us from depending on God?
  6. List the three steps for dealing with future stress. Which step is hardest for you? Why?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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