If God is good, then how come the world is messed up? This type of doubt comes from life's circumstances and Jesus shows us how to deal with it.

Talking Points:

  • If you know anything about John the Baptist, then you probably know that he was a wild man who was passionate for God. But towards the end of his life John was also a doubter. Luke 7:20
  • Jesus tells John that God is at work. People are being transformed. God’s work just looks different than he might expect. But Jesus goes further and addresses John’s character. Even though John has these doubts, Jesus still affirms him. Luke 7:28
  • Doubts tend to control our thinking. Our doubts become facts in our minds and our faith is what has to be proven. This isn’t healthy. Test your doubts just like you test your faith. It may be that your doubts come from faulty reasoning. 1 Thessalonians 5:21
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Read Luke 7:20. When was the most recent time you doubted God’s plan?
  3. When has God’s plan surprised you by how different it was from your own plan?
  4. Read Luke 7:22. How did Jesus answer John’s doubt? What specific things do you think Jesus wants you to know in the midst of your doubts?
  5. Read Luke 7:28. Why do you think Jesus praised John in that moment? How does that affect the way you approach Jesus with your doubts?
  6. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:21. List some ways that you can “test everything” in order to strengthen your belief. What are some assumptions you make that need testing?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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