Learn insights from the life of Deborah and the importance of having the courage and wisdom to stand for God.

Talking Points:

  • Deborah was the only female “judge” of Israel who led Israel during a time of trial after they entered the promised land but before Israel had a king. Judges 4:4-7
  • Deborah joined a man named Barak in fighting Sisera, a Canaanite general and enemy of Israel. Deborah prophesied that the victory would come from a woman.
  • Deborah sought wisdom from God and courageously followed him. We can learn from her to follow God even when it’s frightening and to worship God in the victories he gives us.

Download homework for this topic here.

  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What is the hardest thing you have had to do in your life up to this point?
  3. Consider the story of Deborah and Jael. Talk about some of the doubts or fears they must have felt.
  4. God calls us to different areas of leadership. It might be leading at work, with friends, or at home with our kids. What areas do you know God is wanting you to lead right now? How do you feel about your current leadership?
  5. Read Judges 4:4. and Hebrews 1:1-2. What do prophets do?
  6. If God no longer sends prophets but speaks through Jesus (Hebrews 1:1-2), what are ways we can listen to the voice of God? How can we be confident we are hearing God correctly?
  7. Name a challenge in your life today that you need God’s help to overcome. Is there a way God is calling you to step up to help bring change to the situation?
  8. Read Judges 5:15-18. Some tribes of Israel went to battle to help Deborah, and some stayed home. How do you think Deborah felt about this?
  9. Sometimes our opposition comes from those closest to us. Have you faced a time when those close to you didn’t support you as you followed God? How did you get through that season?
  10. Read Ephesians 5:18-20. How is the control of wine and the control of the Holy Spirit similar? According to these verses, what happens when the Spirit controls us?
  11. Deborah also responded to God in song. What are ways you can fill your minds and hearts with songs to God?
  12. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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