Many parents feel ill-equipped to parent their teens. Learn how boundaries can help set a tone and provide direction for you as parents.

Talking Points:

  • A boundary is your personal property line that defines who you are and who you are not, sets limits, and establishes consequences if people try to control you. It teaches a person to know who they are and how they’ll interface with the world around them.
  • Parents need to set boundaries so their teens have the chance to learn and develop structure and discipline in their own life. Boundaries are a great tool for parents to teach their teen what’s appropriate and inappropriate behavior. 
  • It’s important that parents always keep the big picture in mind. Don’t get caught up in the little battles. Remember that you are teaching your teen to be a responsible adult. Choose to focus on the big lessons and let some of the little stuff go. Ephesians 6:4
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Describe what it was like growing up in your home. What were the rules, how were they enforced, and what were the main lessons you learned in your home?
  3. What are the main values you hope to teach your kids?
  4. What are your biggest fears of raising a teenager? Why?
  5. In your own words, why are boundaries important? In what areas do your teens need more boundaries? What do you think those boundaries should look like?
  6. Read Proverbs 22:6. What do you think it means that we should train up our kids? How can boundaries help you with that training?
  7. Read Ephesians 6:4. As a parent, do you get caught up fighting over the little things more than the big things? What can you do moving forward to change that dynamic?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

This topic is adapted from the book Boundaries with Teens by John Townsend.


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