Learn why one of the most controversial teachings in the Bible is also one of the most important.

Talking Points:

  • Some people claim that the virgin birth is a fairy tale or myth that was taken from other ancient myths. While it is true that there are many stories from the ancient world about promiscuous gods impregnating human women (for example, Hercules), the biblical description of the virgin birth is much different. 
  • In the Bible, there is no sexual union in the conception of Jesus. The conception of Jesus takes place supernaturally through the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:18, Luke 1:34-35
  • There are at least several reasons why the virgin birth is important:
    • The virgin birth demonstrates that from beginning to end salvation is a work of God’s grace. God had to supernaturally provide our savior as evidenced through the birth of Jesus. Ephesians 2:8-9
    • The virgin birth demonstrates that Jesus is both God and human. If Jesus had simply beamed down from heaven, then some would doubt his humanity. If he had been born through natural, biological methods, then many would question his divinity. Philippians 2:5-11
    • The virgin birth points to Jesus’ sinlessness. The Bible teaches that sin came into the human race through Adam. As a result, sin has been passed on from generation to generation. Jesus’ supernatural conception breaks the line of sin that started with Adam. As God and man, Jesus is our sinless representative. Romans 5:15-17
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Before you watched this video, what were your thoughts on the virgin birth of Jesus?
  3. Read Matthew 1:18, Luke 1:34-35 and Ephesians 2:8-9. How is the virgin birth different from myths from the ancient world? Why do you think God chose a virgin birth versus Jesus just appearing one day?
  4. How does your view of miracles affect your ability to believe in the virgin birth?
  5. Read Philippians 2:5-11. Identify all that Jesus gave up for us. How would Christianity be different if Jesus didn’t come to walk among us as a man? Why also does Jesus’ divinity matter?
  6. Read Romans 5:15-17. Adam brought condemnation. Jesus brought forgiveness and new life. How have you been set free since meeting Jesus?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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