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God has a deep desire to connect with people - and Jesus went to the cross to make it happen.

The Bible says the Jesus came and died for our sins to make us “right with God”. This is relational language, pointing to God’s desire to connect with people and his willingness to make that connection happen. Think of it like marriage after a difficult fight: the husband and wife are not “right” with each other until reconciliation happens. That’s what happens to us and God. We need to be made “right” in relational terms.

By Nature, We Are Not “Right” with God

The Bible teaches that because of sin, every human being is separated from God. Our sin, no matter how small in our own eyes, is bad enough to disqualify us from a relationship with a perfect God. A simple definition of sin is going our own way rather than God’s way. And according to the Bible, everyone sins.

Romans 3:23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.

When it comes to marriage relationships, husband and wife usually own at least a part of the blame when it comes to conflict and strife. But when it comes to our relationship with God, he is perfect and we are not. Sin is our problem – the separation we feel with God is on us.

Jesus Makes Us Right through the Cross

But here’s the good news. Even though our relational problems are ours to own, the relational solution is owned by God. What Jesus did on the cross puts us on good terms with God. That means it’s not up to us to try to make amends and pay for our sins. Jesus went to the cross and paid the price in full.

Romans 3:25 For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin.

Think of it like this. When you’re in a fight with your spouse, someone has to make the first move to make things right again. The same is true in your broken relationship with God: someone has to make the first move. That’s what happened at the cross. Jesus made the first move for us, sacrificing his own life to take the penalty that our sins had earned for us.

Our Response Is Faith

So there’s only one thing for us to do: respond in “faith” and accept the gracious gift that God offers through Christ. We can’t work off our sins to earn good standing with God, no matter how hard we try. According to the clear teaching of the Bible, there’s only one way to be made right with God.

Romans 3:22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.

So ask yourself this question: have I trusted Jesus for salvation? That’s the most important question you could ever ask because your eternity depends on it. If you want to be made right with God, it only happens when you trust Jesus.

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a time when you were at odds with another person. How did you make your relationship right? Who made the first move?
  3. Read Romans 3:23. Make a list of obvious sins that people struggle with. What are some other sins that are less obvious?
  4. Why do you think many religions teach that people have to “work off” their sins? Have you ever had that belief? What does the Bible teach?
  5. Read Romans 3:22. In your own words, what does it mean to be “made right” with God? How can you do it?
  6. Have you ever made the personal decision to trust Jesus for salvation? If so, when was it? If not, are you ready for your faith moment?
  7. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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