The book of Jude warns us against cheapening the grace of God – or listening to those who do. He gives us at least seven signs to help us identify people who cheapen the grace of God:

  1. They live immoral lives (Jude 8) and try to justify it before God.
  2. They defy authority (Jude 8) and refuse to submit to God or his people.
  3. They care only for themselves (Jude 12) and live to satisfy their own selfish desires.
  4. They bear no fruit (Jude 12) – the fruit of the Spirit or fruit for the kingdom (making disciples).
  5. They complain (Jude 16) and grumble about how things are going in life.
  6. They brag (Jude 16) to make themselves greater – and to make God smaller.
  7. They create divisions (Jude 19) and cause problems in the church.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
  2. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you?
  3. List the 7 signs that you might be cheapening grace. Pick one or two that you have been guilty of.
  4. Read Jude 8. What does it mean to “live immoral lives” today? Give some specific examples. What do you think it would have looked like in Jude’s day?
  5. Describe the connection between cheapening grace and defying authority. Have you ever seen it in your church or small group?
  6. Read Jude 12. “God’s grace is designed for us to be givers, not takers.” Do you agree? Explain.
  7. List the two types of fruit in a Christian’s life. Which one is harder for you to produce in your life, and why?
  8. Read Jude 16. How does complaining and grumbling cheapen the grace of God?
  9. Why is a proud spirit so contrary to the grace of God? Explain.
  10. Read Jude 19. What are some of the divisions people try to create in the church today? How does this cheapen the grace of God?
  11. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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