Consider these three tips as you parent your kids.

Key Points:

  • Rhonda’s first parenting tip: don’t compare your kids. We shouldn’t say things like, “Your brother can do this, why can’t you?” or, “I wish you could be more like your sibling.” These comparisons are unfair because each kid has their own unique personality and they shouldn’t be expected to be the same as anyone else. The comparison game leaves kids feeling inadequate. Don’t put undue pressure on the older kids to always have to be the example for the younger kids, either.
  • Rhonda’s second parenting tip: don’t have gender-specific chores. Everyone in the family should do their part and no one chore should be considered a boy chore or a girl chore.
  • Rhonda’s third parenting tip: be aware of what your kids are doing on social media. Parents need to educate themselves and learn what the different apps are and how they are used. You need to know how your kids are using those apps.
  • A great verse for parents to keep in mind is from Ephesians 6:4. As parents, we shouldn’t provoke our kids to anger by the way we parent them. We shouldn’t compare them or expect certain things from one kid that we don’t from another. Instead, we should train our kids to love God and to honor him with their lives. A great way to help your kids is to use the topics for kids and youth found on to help you to have meaningful conversations with them.
Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Have you ever been compared to someone else? How did that feel and was it motivating to you? Why or why not?
  3. Have you played the comparison game with your kids? What were you trying to accomplish in doing that and what might be a better strategy?
  4. Why is it good for kids to learn how to contribute in the home in various ways?
  5. On a scale of 1-10, how savvy are you with social media? Why is it important or not important to you?
  6. How aware are you of what your kids are doing on social media? Why is it important for you to know what your kids are doing? What are some potential dangers to them if you don’t?
  7. Read Ephesians 6:4. How have you frustrated your kids in the past with your parenting style? What adjustments might you need to make?
  8. How could having meaningful conversations with your kids help you as a parent? How can it benefit your kids?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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